Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)
LED Virtual Set production setup first ever in Hong Kong
Department of Digital Media, HKDI has launched the first ever LED virtual set production in February 2021. Tony Ngai, Founder-Director of SMI is delighted to be invited to visit the production set on 9 February 2021 participated with HKSC (Hong Kong Society of Cinematographers) team leaded by chair, Mr. Keung, Kwok-Man and famous Hong Kong Film Director team leaded by Mr. Andrew Lau, Wai-Keung.

A LED virtual set production (12m x 5m) setup in the HKDI TV studio.

A LED virtual set production (12m x 5m) with ceiling LED setup and alignment in the HKDI TV studio.

HKDI Terence Wong (L5), SMI Tony Ngai (R6), HKSC team lead by chair Mr. Keung, Kwok-Man (L7) and Hong Kong Director team leaded by Mr. Andrew Lau, Wai-Keung (R5)

A LED virtual set production (12m x 5m) setup in the HKDI TV studio.
Photo Courtesy of "Hong Kong Design Institute, Department of Digital Media".